Our Prep School offers a wide and varied curriculum, enhanced by a diverse range of extra-curricular clubs and is an extremely welcoming environment.
We place equal value on what happens outside the core subjects – the importance of sport, music, drama, art, engineering and a varied programme of activities adds an extra dimension to a child’s education.
Extra-curricular activities introduce children to new skills, engage them in social activities, develop positive learning traits and help to shape their lives in a positive way. Every child has talents and skills, some of these are more difficult to find and recognise, but what our excellent Prep School education does is unearth these hidden talents.
Our class sizes are smaller than state primary schools, with the ratio of staff to pupils being extremely favourable, and specialist teachers are often employed. This means that each child has a greater chance of being understood, valued and provided with the guidance they may need. We see brilliance in every child; they are all individuals and we provide a place for them to thrive.
Additional support, as well as further individual challenge, can be given when needed, building the confidence which is so important for a child. Our enthusiastic and passionate teaching staff inspire and nurture a love of learning and instil inquisitive learning in pupils, allowing all our girls and boys to become independent thinkers.
The happiness and wellbeing of pupils is of paramount importance and is at the heart of everything that St Joseph’s does and achieves.

To visit us and find out more, please click here to book on to an Open Day.