Space to thrive


St Joseph’s College;
Children Thrive Here!

Visit St Joseph’s College, Ipswich to experience just how nurturing an independent school environment can be. Children and young people grow and blossom here. Our students flourish academically, taking up places at top-ranking universities each year and making their way in a wide range of professions, creative industries and professional sport.

All ages

Whole School Snapshot Morning

Friday 11 October



A world of opportunities

You won’t find any ‘invisible children’ at St Joseph’s College, Suffolk, because every single one matters to us.

Our independent school is large enough to support a wealth of opportunities – academic, creative, social and extra-curricular – but small enough to be a true community of individuals. Respect is a cornerstone of St Jo’s. We respect one another as learners, as staff members, as people on a journey together. And we respect the power of education to fulfil and transform lives. 

We understand that examination results matter and all our students are expected to work hard, but we strongly believe the journey is as important as the destination, and we want every student to enjoy the ride. We recognise that children learn at different rates and in different ways but everyone has the potential to shine and develop a love of enquiry.

We use innovative strategies to enhance teaching and learning and we offer bespoke support when it is needed. As a forward-thinking school, we embrace innovation – just as the future citizens in our care will also need to.

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Sport is intrinsic to St Joseph’s College. The school has an enviable tradition of sporting excellence and pedigree, which is proudly built upon by each succeeding generation of students. But it’s not as simple as that. We believe in sport for everyone, sport for fun and sport for physical and mental well-being.

Delivering an engaging programme of sport for all is just as important to us as filling the trophy cabinet. It is by participating, that girls and boys find their sporting passions, develop their skills and lay the foundations for healthy lifestyles in years to come.

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We celebrate artistic endeavour and creativity, recognising the boundless possibilities within every one of our students. From the earliest years onwards, children are encouraged to make their marks bravely – in hand prints, powder paint, chalks, acrylics, watercolours and oils, fabric, clay and film. We see our lessons as launchpads and marvel as young people take an idea and run with it. 

What could be better than giving a stage to performers, complete with the technical expertise, academic know-how and genre experience that will help them to fly? In fact, the ability of St Joseph’s staff to uncover latent talent and bring the more reticent students blinking into the limelight is just as impressive.

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Teenagers! You can take ours anywhere. We are proud of the ability of the ‘typical’ St Jo’s student to hold a conversation and politely argue a viewpoint. School isn’t just for lessons. We aim to create well-rounded young people and that happens with exposure to the huge variety of extra-curricular clubs and experiences we offer. These include the life skills honed in running the Prep School’s stationery shop, being a member of the Eco Committee, and taking part in mock elections, debating, public speaking and Model United Nations.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award, music ensembles, coding clubs and masterclasses across the disciplines, including in soft skills such as leadership, allow students to find areas of interest and build up a personal portfolio of useful and enriching competency.

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