Tuesday 8 August 2023


Education means many things to different people at various times in their lives.  What we learn from our parents, loved ones, the steep learning curves when entering the world of work. For many, education is synonymous with our time in school. These educational memories are vivid, and we learn from the culmination of experiences at school, including that ‘one’ member of staff that made a difference to us. Recognising at the brief moment that a kind word, understanding or praise is what you need to thrive. Even in times of challenge we learn, developing our personality, defining our journey helping to direct our future trajectory. 

Education is all around us, in every interaction, in every experience, every discussion we have during our formative years. It is the culmination of what we are taught, our passions and the experiences we have. We should always strive to learn and develop our intellect throughout our lives.

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it”- Albert Einstein

As teachers we should aim to educate beyond the classroom. Our daily interactions being the barometer for students to measure themselves against, developing their foundations attaining to a strong, happy and independent life. St Joseph’s College is a school that holds these preparations at our core.   

Across the country, Year 6 students are preparing for that change to ‘Big school!’ Many worry about the unknown answers to their various and individual questions. At St Joseph’s, transition is a scheduled and measured process that alleviates any trepidation felt, by students and parents alike. As the Senior Pastoral Manager responsible for the care of our students between Years 7 to 11. I endeavour to get the transition right. We offer several events for students to meet our excellent academic staff, as well as feel the warmth of our pastoral staff and experience the College values of Aspiration, Respect and Confidence. We want our students to know they will grow and be nurtured, and for their parents to know they have made the right decision. We spend time, face-to-face orientating and inducting students and parents into the workings of the College. For example, how progress is monitored, who key staff are, how they can be contacted etc.

Beyond teaching lessons, we expect our students to become well-rounded individuals, to be part of the College community and to develop positive relationships for life. Lastly, an extract from a poem by Dorothy Law Nolte – ‘Children Learn What They Live’ highlights our pastoral care.

“If a child lives with encouragement, they learn confidence.

If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.

If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.

If children live with acceptance, they learn to love”.

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